The Indian film “The Goat Life” has stirred considerable debate by addressing Saudi Arabia’s sponsorship system. The film depicts Najeeb, an Indian youth who travels to Saudi Arabia for work, only to find himself forced into tending sheep in the desert under his Saudi sponsor’s control.
This story reveals the harsh reality many expatriate workers face in Saudi Arabia, where they often experience exploitation and mistreatment by their sponsors. However, the arrogance associated with this system extends beyond foreign workers, impacting other countries and entities, including Yemeni legitimacy.
The Yemeni legitimacy, including its Presidential Council, is depicted as being in a position similar to that of Najeeb in the film. Distracted by personal interests rather than national priorities, Yemeni legitimacy finds itself under the sway of the Saudi sponsorship system, impeding its ability to address national issues effectively.
Additionally, Omani actor Talib al-Balushi, who plays the sponsor in the film, has faced significant criticism and backlash from Saudis, highlighting the sensitivity surrounding the topic and its impact.
This situation calls for a serious review by Saudi authorities, not only to protect the rights of expatriate workers and ensure their dignity but also to respect the rights of all individuals and partners. There is a need to promote a culture of mutual respect and avoid the misuse of power at the expense of others’ humanity and rights.